We were asked to generate hype and drive attention to the newest installment in the longstanding video game franchise Diablo. We chose to focus on a specific type of gamer: Farmers. Farmers are common in many types of games, but nowhere are they rewarded more for their efforts than ARPGs like Diablo.
Copywriter: Michael Shea

Examples of Farming in different games

Phase 1: Outrage
The campaign begins by placing incendiary (and crudely designed) billboards across the corn belt of the USA, with the goal of inciting reactions from non-gamer locals.

The ultimate goal of phase one would be to direct attention to FarmersHell.com - where the true purpose of the campaign would be revealed.

Phase 2: Reverence
Testimonials and photos from real "Farmers" who contributed to the site would appear in urban areas and social media.

For those who weren't able to opt in during phase one, a custom Instagram filter allows them to join in on the hype as well.

The Carhartt collaboration merchandise would become available to the public at this point, and be featured on the official Carhartt WIP Instagram page.